Proof. We are the first organization online to provide consistent proof of proper methods of Uranian Astrology as per Alfred Witte.
Knowledge. Our organization Is The Only Organization Dedicated To Actual Proof & True History & Knowledge. Proving the Astrology With Our Free Uranian Astrology Classes, App & Uranian Resources.
Disruptors. As the innovators of the unique and simple triple pattern marker system, multi layered video demonstrations, free beginners guide and the Uranian Astrology App which are all free tools provided to help others establish proof in every chart using proper Uranian Astrology. We are disrupting the fraudulent & erroneous practice of Uranian Astrology as a 12 house system.
Inclusion. Every proof and science driven astrology enthusiast Is invited to utilize the resources we've created and provide to document their findings in their own charts.
"The Triple Pattern"
Marker System
Free Uranian Astrology App
Learn Uranian Astrology Using Our App
It's A Fun & Free
Kind Gift For
Since the founding of this school is rooted in the frustration of the founders who sought in vain for years to prove astrology this school is founded on passion for proof. Healthy skepticism is rather uncommon in the world of astrologers and astrology but quite necessary in science. High standards of proof are vital. Proper collection and organization of good versus bad data is a key component of our ability to consistently prove out events in charts.
Having the constant dedication of the founders to unfold and present easy to understand, learn and use Uranian Astrology as per the system and methods is unsurpassed by every group, school and organization using Uranian Astrology today. This school has consistently delivered proof in their cold readings, free classes and now their Free Uranian Astrology App.
Astrology organizations have made it clear they don't agree with our work. It's OK. We don't agree with theirs either and as such are not associated with other schools, groups or organizations for that very reason. We feel their practice of using a house system and lack of consistent proof in their methods has failed the work. We also feel that the antiquated business model of selling anything and everything in astrology has obstructed and interfered with Uranian Astrology being taught, shared, learned and developed in the last 100 years.
Rotten theories and practices of Uranian Astrology have cropped up with many claims everywhere on the internet. My Astro World Uranian Astrolgy School are the true "Astrologers of Tomorrow" and our brand is Proof. We are here to clear the runway of all the debris of bad astrology so that others may join us while we all set a course for crystal clear Uranian Astrology for everyone.
Every person who has successfully completed our 12 week Beginners Class has been able to unfold their own life events. . The only way to learn Uranian Astrology is through careful delineation and repeated examination of every students chart. For this reason we offer live free astrology readings and an open Q & A Forum on our weekly livestreams. Our Astrologers read (when provided exact information) for the passion and proof of the astrology, not for popularity, prestige or money.
Discovering that the Master & Certified Uranian Astrologers did not know what they were doing was not nearly as shocking as all the people that are conned into firmly following their folly and foibles.
Assembling then interpreting every single axis point is the tedious work of the good Uranian Astrologer. The ability to assemble the planetary pictures and clearly answer the question being posed to the chart is the mark of mastery or fluency in Uranian Astrology.
Other than our school there is no other group that proves out their theories publicly. Uranian Astrology School only teaches and practices what can be proven, demonstrated to others, replicated by them and is in keeping with the other known and practiced sciences.
This odyssey into Uranian Astrology certainly takes longer than it should since the leaders and masters have yet to grasp the essence of the work.
Many that are teaching and promoting this work are using the flawed foundation of a 12 house system. How can that be? The name "Uranian" always implied it was completely different. The name alone tells us that it must be innovative, unique and different.
Leaders lead by example not by repetition. Uranian Astrology is the only established and proven predictive astrology in use. Our system and method is the only one proven to be simple enough to learn the basics is 12 weeks.
Our Masters do not entertain the unproven “do whatever works for you’ practices of many astrological groups and organizations. Uranian Astrology is a language that has clear results when applying the rules (formulas) and methodology.
My Astro World & the Uranian Astrology School remains dedicated to using the methods that have been proven and are roots and trees of the seeds of that Alfred Witte planted and Ruth Brummund tried to reconstruct. Sadly there were detractors in both their camps. We have tried and refuted the practices of the many schools by going back to Alfred Witte and the original work. We have what Ruth Brummund painstakingly worked on retranslated some of her German works unavailable in English as well. We feel that our work and assembly has taken Uranian Astrology to the last steps of simple clarity.
We have practiced and tested our theories out for years. The only qualified furtherance of development of this astrology will begin with data collection, documentation and analysis of any additional celestial bodies, be them fixed stars, asteroids or even Greek, Roman or Egyptian Gods. Failure to meet the standard of proof more than 50% of the time places the hypothesis in the garbage pile of astrology.
Careful dedication to proof and detail has unfolded this work for the founders. One of the signs or marks of a proficient Master Uranian Astrologer is the ability to demonstrate the astrology by being able to cold read one chart after another of living and present people and give clear translations and answers to the questions posed to the chart.
The most striking difference from other Uranian (Symmetrical) Groups, Schools and Practitioners and ours is proof. We demonstrate our skill and work in live cold readings, free online classes and crystal clear explanations. We offer a free app to help others establish proof by examining their own charts and the charts of those close to them.
Most naysayers are more upset that we give clear Uranian Astrology away. Their disagreements over the method are from not being able to drag out and sell Uranian Astrology to unsuspecting victims/students/enthusiasts of the work.
The Masters, like Nikola Tesla know the value of good science and technology. Our objective, is to further develop and spread clear Uranian (Symmetrical) Astrology available to us by using the science, the math and the formulas as intended and sharing it free of charge with others.
Many up and coming students don't even realize that the astrology business model is designed to confuse not clarify the work. Ruth Brummund was the only astrologer who by using my chart taught me more than any classes, seminar or book . Nothing will ever teach any student of astrology more than being able to definitively prove out our own life events and the lives of those we know best in every chart we examine
Every person that is interested in understanding their chart and astrology should have an astrology that can demonstrate loss of virginity, marriage, divorce, death, illness, moves, to fall in love, to meet the future husband, wife, partner, soulmates, career inclinations, talents, skills, health and even life expectancy. Literally every life event, career and milestone has a specific formula that can be found in our charts.
Nuance is one element to this work but let's be honest we all want and need to see life events unfold in our own charts. We want predictions, not just more clear truth of analysis, understanding and the ability to read-interpret a chart beyond the current vague language and offerings.
Obviously the best method to teach and learn this astrology is to demonstrate the work so every person can ¨see¨ the way all the formulas applied in triple patterns for their life events.
Time will prove out and tell the true story of our work. Livestream visual demonstrations are the path of the future of astrology. Self aggrandizement, influencers and riddle rattlers will fizzle out. People want proof. Talk is played out. Using live streams we are able to teach the 'visual part' of this astrology. We always aspire to prove the astrology to every caller or person we encounter as we endeavor to raise knowledge of astrology via clear oratory and visual demonstration.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and provide more free material. Your generous donation will fund our mission to further develop more scientific and specific astrology.
Copyright © My Astro World *2009* 2018, 2019* 2021, 2022 Uranian Astrology School- All Rights Reserved.
No copying or reprinting of ANY materials. without the express consent of Anna Sanchez or Brett Kennedy.
Demonstrating & Teaching Astrological Proof
1. Proving a simple & serious astrological system that is reliably consistent
2. To affiliate astrology with the recognized (astronomy, math, geometry) sciences by observing scientific rules.
3. To maintain consistent methods rather than anecdotal claims.
4. Provide proof/correlation between the theories and the astronomy basis of astrology.
5. Demonstrate the work so that it meets critical standards/proof
6. All Uranian Astrologers/astronomers and scientists must be able to replicate the results & proofs.